
Tower Tour

Got a tour of the wizard's compound today. "Simples"* like me usually have offices far from the tower, but my office is a long narrow room not far from the tower itself. From the smell I think it used to be a storage room. I was given a beat-up but serviceable desk and a key to the door - as if a simple lock is going to stop a wizard from coming in!

I found a list of my fellow workers to visit on my desk, and so the morning was filled with instructions on how to do various types of paperwork. I can apply for reimbursement for almost anything if I'm willing to defend it to the High Wizards. --in other words, be damned careful and get receipts for everything. And Pergimtor likes reports whenever something happens, detailed reports. .

I'm going patrolling tomorrow - nothing to investigate yet, but I need the exercise.

*Simples are what the wizards call people without magic. I had to bite my tongue a little when I heard that.

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